Saturday, December 12, 2009

Maxwell Adoration

Another one of my favorite dance routines from "So You Think You Can Dance". I had no idea what the dance was about when I first saw this video but despite that I felt the emotion in it,and it helps that I like the song itself (This woman's work by Maxwell).I love the routine,the choreographer didn't let the song down.

And in continuing with the Maxwell adoration here's his performance of Pretty Wings on the David Letterman show.I LOVE this song!!!*dreamy sigh*

I am aware my blogger theme cuts the video....will change it soon.And Blogger has messed up my Tweet-Feed, :( smh!get it together Blogger!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Artist of the week: Jason Chan

Alright this time we're going to Asia.Found a guy called Jason Chan,LOVE his art work.He was actually born and raised in California and currently works at Massive Black.He's inspired by video games and fantasy as is reflected in his art work.His work is very clean and i love the dreaminess he puts in his art.Some of his characters look like their minds are faaaaar faaaaaar away,day dreaming,lost in their own minds,I love it!
So without further ado I present my favourite Jason Chan pics.... (by the way his website is )

Monday, November 16, 2009

Back again for the first time....

Im so sorry I have neglected you my dear blog!
But Im back!
Its been a slow month.Iv spent most of it at home on Twitter or Facebook (those sites will be the death of me!) and sleeping.shame on me.
But I have been doing some work here and there.Studying to take a GMAT test early next year so that i can apply for a scholarship in Finland.The text book isn't here though and the deadline to hand in my application (January 31st) might not be reached because the GMAT results take 3 weeks to be released and i can only take the test exactly 3 weeks before the deadline *shaking my head*,just my luck.I'm feeling so discouraged now but trying to find another way of making this work out :(
As far as work goes I'm still unemployed,and with each month that passes a bit of my self esteem goes with it,I didnt think I'd still be asking mother for pocket money 7 months after graduating.But I'm trying not to lose hope.Something needs to work out for me!!At least one thing!!!Just one!!!sigh.
The only one good thing or shall i say person making everything bearable currently is my bestie (best friend) Bk.He cheers me up when Im miserable and keeps chanting the mantra's that most people would be tired of tellin me by now: "stay positive,dont let it get you down,focus on gettin things movin, visualize the end goal" etc.Bless his soul.He came to see me today,bought me cake as well.sigh, what more do I need?
I think anyone else would have been sick and tired of me by now cz if there's one thing Im good at, its worrying!!No one can out-worry me except probably my mother,lol.That woman is the all time champ!
Rap artist Wale recently released his new album "Attention Deficit" and I am in love with him!!!No not cz he's cute or anything (which admittedly is usually the criteria I use to judge an artist) but because he's actually RAPPING!!!Many hip hop artists nowadays are just stringing words together that happen to make sentences that rhyme;quite a sad state of affairs really.No one tells stories anymore or addresses specific issues that affect the majority of the population even if its just about gold diggers (shout out to Kanye West!).Everyone wants to rap about how great they are or the latest new dance craze.His album however doesn't show case his real skills,i think his mixtapes do though.And i think true hip hop fans who hate the mass production nature of the music being released nowadays might appreciate Wale quite a bit.Give him a chance!!!
And on that note its time for me to go to bed,put my headphones on and fall asleep listening to "The Remake of a remake(All I need)" from Wale's "A mixtape about nothing".
Goodnight world! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Breaking the rules....

As kids we are constantly told what is right and wrong with the aim of helping us develop into people with a good moral compass.
The irony is though for the most of us we do the opposite.See the one thing they don't tell you and that you discover for yourself is that sometimes in life we will break the rules to achieve some of the goals we want to achieve and surprise surprise it will sit fine with you.Because....well,thats just life.There is no black and white,right and wrong,its actually just grey and there are only degrees of right and wrong.
The older you get though,the more you should know better.But we still do it,we lie or swear or cheat or steal or judge people or treat people badly etc.As young children when we break the rules we have inexperience and the ignorance of youth to hide behind.When we are adults and we know what all the lessons are,what excuse do we have?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

THIS TOO WILL PASS:-Eckhart Tolle’s story told, so very beautifully extract from his bestselling book “A New Earth”

According to an ancient Sufi story, there lived a king in some Middle Eastern land who was continuously torn between happiness and despondency. The slightest thing would cause him great upset or provoke an intense reaction, and his happiness would quickly turn into disappointment and despair. A time came when the king finally got tired of himself and of life, and he began to seek a way out. He sent for a wise man who lived in his kingdom and who was reputed to be enlightened. When the wise man came, the king said to him, “I want to be like you. Can you give me something that will bring balance, serenity, and wisdom into my life? I will pay back any price you ask.”
The wise man said, “I may be able to help you. But the price is so great that your entire kingdom would not be sufficient to pay for it. Therefore it will be a gift to you if you honour it.” The king gave his assurances and the wise man left.
A few weeks later, he returned and handed the king an ornate box carved in jade. The king opened the box and found a simple gold ring inside. Some letters were inscribed on the ring. The inscription read. This too will pass. “What is the meaning of this?” asked the king. The wise man said, “Wear this ring always. Whatever happens, before you call it good or bad, touch this ring and read the inscription. That way you will always be at peace.”
This too will pass. What is it about this simple words that makes them so powerful? Looking at it superficially, it would seem while those words may provide some comfort in a bad situation, they would also diminish the enjoyment of the good things in life. “Don’t be too happy, because it won’t last.” This seems to be what they are saying when applied in a situation that is perceived as good.
...this story points to the fact of impermanence which, when recognised, leads to nonattachment. Non-resistance are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living.
Those words inscribed on the ring are not telling you that you should not enjoy the good in your life, nor are they merely meant to provide some comfort in times of suffering. They have a deeper purpose: to make you aware of the fleetingness of every situation, which is due to the transience of all forms- good or bad. When you become aware of the transience of all forms, your attachment to them lessens, and you disidentify with them to some extent. Being detached does not mean you cannot enjoy the good that the world has to offer. Infact, you enjoy it more. Once you see the transience of all things and the inevitability of change, you can enjoy the pleasures about the future. When you are detached, you gain a higher vantage point from which to view the events in your life instead of being trapped inside them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Riri's back!!!!!!*super scream!!!!*

I have the biggest unexplainable girl crush on two artists: Solange Knowles and Rihanna.Solange for her song writing abilities and kooky sense of style and Riri for her fierce sense of style (coz lez-bi-honest she aint that amazing musically).I like to think if I had the money Id end up with a style thats a fusion of the two,some gothic inspiration mixed with lots of colour,funky designs and artsy fartsy heels.
Both have been quite silent lately but Riri is finally releasing her next album called "Rated R" on Novenber 23rd which means more "good girl gone bad" videos and crazy outfits!!!Im so excited!!!!She's released two promo pics and I am in love!!!!

Apple vs Mac?

Im not the biggest tech junkie but I do appreciate a reliable computer.Due to financial limitations I've had to be content with PCs my whole life though I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of the Apple. So far, apart from its constant freezing, overuse of resources and its incompatibility with most programs my Vista has been working perfectly,lol.Mostly I just like the fact that its pretty. I dont do anything heavy duty with it so Ive never felt the need to go back to XP.
However Windows 7 imminent arrival does not excite me at all even though we've been told its lighter and better than Vista. My uncle installed the beta version on the desktop at home and it seemed fine but I just can't be bothered to try it to be honest. Plus Im a little peeved that I was forced to get Vista which came with my laptop and now they decide to release an OS they claim is better than Vista and of course to change to 7 Ill have to pay out of my ass,ugh!
Anyway I stumbled across these Apple ads that piss on Windows 7/Microsoft,woohoo!!!!Im all for it!!!