Monday, October 5, 2009

♫♫na na na na,na na na na,hey hey hey,gooooodbye!!♫♫

Lmao!I love the title of this post!!
Ive lost a friend,and frankly I couldnt care less!
And given the way my former friend handled the situation that brought us to this point,they couldnt care less either,so I guess all is right with the world.
Ive actually almost reached the point of indifference,hahahahaha!!Who'd have thought it would end like this?smh.
Not long ago we were up each other's a-holes,lol!sharing this and that,partners in crime and homies to the death.Now it just seems stupid that I even gave away that much trust.
I think we were in lust (lol,friendship lust),which I have come to find is as fleeting as the pleasure it brings.
Im still slightly angry/hurt though.I have moments,just moments,where Im speaking to him but thinkin "UFCK YOU!!!" and come dangerously close to saying it,lol.Cz I feel stupid for believing the act.Ah well,he cant fool me twice.
But at the end of the day,its all good.At least he has enough integrity to not go putting all the stuff I spewed in private on blast.
Yeah we had good times and he held it down when I needed a friend a couple of times,but I must remember that its not just your good actions that are testament to your character, your bad ones are too.
So off I go humming: "na na na na,na na na na, hey hey, gooooodbye!!"

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